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Steel Structure of Phase I Nanjing Jiangbei New Financial Center Project by MCC Steel Structure Starts Construction
CopyFrom: Date:06 January 2022
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  On January 5, the steel structure of the second section of phase I Nanjing Jiangbei New Financial Center project contracted by MCC Steel Structure started construction.

  Jiangbei New Financial Center is located in the core area of the CBD of Jiangbei New District, Nanjing, and will be constructed in two phases. MCC Steel Structure has undertaken the production and installation of all the steel structures for a 150-meter-high tower and a 100-meter-high tower. The first phase is expected to be completed in 2023. After completion, it will focus on new financial formats such as financial asset management, regional equity trading, technology and finance and insurance innovation to support the new district to speed up the construction of the new financial cluster along Yangtze River and to build a national first-class New Financial Center.

  Following the simple but solemn spirit of "waste no day and never stop progressing", the project team of MCC Steel Structure will efficiently perform the contract in strict accordance with the company's five policies and five goals on project management. It will also ensure the safe, quality and efficient completion of the project to the satisfaction of all parties.

